Peças de coleção       MP Lafer’s story Português 

         In the beginning of the decade of 1970, João Arnaut, then employee of the plant of furniture LAFER, offered Ivone, his wife, as anniversary present, a MGTD - 1952. 

Percival Lafer, one of the owners of the plant was passionate of old carriages, then he noticed the MG. The picture of the famous carriage does not leave his head!. After some incursions to England, Percival inspired by the British model, decides to manufacture a similar automobile, however improved and customized to the technology of the time. Percival discovers that in the distance between axles of the Volkswagen and the MG she was the same one. 

Thus idea occurred it to it to couple to would combine new carriage and the chassis of the Volkswagen. Remembering that, MGTD - 1952, was of a modest design of the Morris Garage, and one of the classics of history of the automobile. In the first pertinent meeting to this design, he declares its direction: " We got to make a perfect product". The care to details was extraordinary. The finishing of the chasis, had made the MP Lafer one of the best ones of the world, in this type of carriage, the double chassis (giving to a great robustness and security). 

Then adding a Volkswagen motor, air-cooled. Many specialists are unanimous when considering MP LAFER better than the MG even in beauty terms. In 1974 its manufacture series is initiated. The distinction and the good taste of this classic call attention from famous purchasers - to have a Lafer meant prestige, class. Such success of the new carriage that some countries of Europe and U.S.A. had soon treated to import 1000 units to USA of a total of 4300 produced during the 16 years of its manufacture - another record of production time. 

However, the basic premise that guided the design all had that to be fulfilled - to construct the new carriage, to the only style based on the MG, what great options did not leave it to dare in the creation of new models. Exactly thus, it more develops a new model provided of chrome plating and simplified lines, destined to a younger public.

The new carriage made to remember the Exalibur or Clenet. Some people had incorporated the MP Lafer to its style of life, identifying it as the proprietor, parading for streets and roads of Brazil for pleasure and people love to see it  pass.

Fernando Figueirinhas
O MG TC em 2002
Marcos Andrade no MG TC 1948  - Interlagos Classic Endurance - 1999
     The story of MG Peças de coleção

                     The name MG is among us since 1923 when Cecil Kimber, of Morris Garages, modified a Morris Cowllyes to compete in Rallyes and Trials. The acronym MG comes, therefore, of Morris Garages. In 1929, first MG appeared as mass production car, because the idea of Kimber “it worked” and the car was called Midget, cognomen affectionately that can be translated as little. This nickname has as foundation the comparison among MG and the automobiles of the time, that were of great dimensions, quite high and of heavy appearance. 

                   The mechanic boss, that helped in the construction of first MG at time of its release was, and is, Harry Thames. The Morris Garages is located in Oxford, England. Two of the first salespersons’ are still alive: Harry Cox and Willian Deadman 

                  A version more elaborated of Midget, MG-TC, had a noisy reception in America. TC had a motor of four cylinders, cubic capacity of 1250cc and 55 HP of potency, what provided it a maximum speed of approximately 130 km/h, was at that time purely a sporting car. Your precision steering wheel and your admirable stability due to the low positioning of the center of gravity, they were a revelation for American sportsmen. 

                MG-TC was the final step for, perhaps, most beautiful MG, TD. MG-TD was thrown in 1951 it had unpublished solutions. It was first MG to have suspension totally independent in the front wheels, the wheels that were of wire in the other models (striped). 

               The drawing of the body of a very light conception with your surfaces in perfect agreement, produced, and it still produces in the sportsmen's mind a great one impression in relation to your form. TD really touched in the deep of the hearts of the sportsmen, tradition this that was not broken until our days. 

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